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Aeris tablets (Birth control pills)

Aeris tablets (Birth control pills)

Regular price $15.00 USD
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1) Efficacy, effect

Contraception, treatment of moderate acne in women who can take this medicine

2) Usage and dosage

Take 1 tablet per day for 21 days and take a break (stop taking) for 7 days. It is best to take it at the same time every day. - When taking it for the first time Starting on the first day of menstruation, take this medicine every day for 21 consecutive days, and take a break (stop taking) for 7 days. Menstruation usually occurs within 3 days of stopping taking this drug. If you start taking this drug after the first day of menstruation, you cannot expect a complete contraceptive effect until you take this drug for 7 days in a row, and other supplementary non-hormonal contraceptive methods (methods other than cycle control or basal body temperature method: e.g. - Contraceptive device) should be used together (used together). In addition, the possibility of ovulation and pregnancy that has already occurred before taking the drug must be considered. - If you continue to take After taking a break (stop taking) for 7 days, start taking it again the next day. If you start taking the drug after 8 days of withdrawal (stop taking), use it together with other supplementary non-hormonal contraceptive methods (methods other than period control or basal body temperature method: ex-contraceptive device) until you continue to take it for 7 days. )Should be. If you follow the instructions well, there is little chance of pregnancy, but if you do not have menstruation, you should consider the possibility of pregnancy. If you have not followed the directions well or have not menstruated for 2 consecutive times, you should consider the possibility of pregnancy and consult a doctor before continuing to take it. - If you forget to take If you forget to take one tablet and do not take it, take it as soon as you remember, and then continue to take it as usual. That means taking 2 tablets a day. If you forget to take 2 tablets during the 1st or 2nd week of this medicine, take 2 tablets immediately when you remember, take 2 tablets the next day, and then continue to take 1 tablet as usual. Until then, other supplemental non-hormonal contraceptives should be used in combination (used together). If you cannot take more than 3 tablets or if you forget to take 2 tablets during the 3rd week of this medicine, throw away the remaining medicine and start taking the cell tablet immediately when you remember, and take other supplements until you continue to take it for 7 days. Non-hormonal contraceptive methods (methods other than cycle control or basal temperature method: ex-contraceptive device) must be used in combination (used together), and there may be no menstruation during that month. However, if there is no menstruation for two consecutive times, there is a possibility that you may be pregnant, so consult a doctor. - If you change while taking other oral contraceptives If you are using another oral contraceptive that is supposed to be taken for 21 days and change to this drug, take the last tablet of the active ingredient of the existing product and start taking this drug the next day after a 7-day break (stop taking). You will probably have menstruation during the drug withdrawal (stop taking) period. If you use another oral contraceptive that is supposed to be taken for 28 days and change to this drug, start taking this drug the next day after taking the last tablet of the active ingredient of the existing product. - To be taken after delivery or miscarriage in the middle trimester of pregnancy Immediately after delivery, the risk of thromboembolism (blockage of blood vessels) may increase.

3) Packing unit

21 tablets (21 tablets/blister X 1

4) Ingredients and contents

Levonorgestrel 0.1mg, Ethinylestradiol 0.02mg

5) Period of use

24 months from the date of manufacture

6) Storage method

Light-shielding airtight container, room temperature storage

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